
Nov. 18th, 17 (first session)

Ell Certification Courses ELL Class Nov.18, 2017 Oleai Elementary School, Cafe Date: Nov. 18, 2017 9 (Saturday) Time: 8:00 AM -4:00 PM Ell Three Class Certification (First Session w/Jane Hill) Shared expectations by Instructor Write down reflections after each strategy learned in class. Sharing strategies get you hours (7 hours below) Constructive classroom integrations-free and reflect on videos. Bring logs next Saturday’s on 21 hours 5 strategies      2.  Books and Resources- Wait for Ebook via email      3.  Pair share on nine strategies and effectiveness (see pix)      4. Lecture Stages of Second-Language Acquisition (Page 11) Hours of learning english (Asian Student) at school Hours of learning heritage language (Chamorro/Carolinian) at school The Five Stages Continuum: Preproduction: Early Production: Speech Emergence: Intermedi...